Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Let's Get This Party Started!

Yes, I know it's five days into 2010 already and this is only my first post. I wanted to start with something big and dramatic, like the relaunch on a new site, but I'm still looking into Wordpress. I haven't been to any shows yet, and the only disc I've acquired in the new year is a CD-R of cover tunes by my husband's friend's bar band, so the O/CD Tally isn't ready to go, either.

But I have heard some fine new music which I can share, somewhat. The new Vampire Weekend album, Contra, comes out next week, and it's being streamed in its entirety in two locations:
care of NPR.org
or via the band's web site.

I've listened only once, but I liked what I heard and am eager to revisit. It would appear that the guys, who hubby and I saw in concert last year and enjoyed muchly, have beaten the sophomore slump.

Meanwhile, in ExaminerLand, my first story of the new year turned out to be tour news (with presale code) and a free remix download from Owl City. Again, I was gearing up to do something with a more punchy End of One Year/Beginning of Another vibe, but the details just fell together and it seemed timely in its own way.

So, while this is less than sensational opening salvo for the CPF 2010 Blog, it's got new music and a freebie - and I did play with the settings somewhat (more to come), and that's not a bad beginning, right?

And hey, it would be really great if there were more comments this year. Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Marianne said...

golly gee. as the British would say, I'm chuffed. thanks much and keep reading, my new favorite secret pal.