Thursday, January 14, 2010

Freebies in lieu of real news.

Greetings, blog people.

I planned to do a real posting, with news and links to new stories and an O/CD tally, but then I started checking email and, while looking for an eddress for the publicist at Merge Records, so I could propose a story on the NPR stream of the new Spoon album (and maybe hit her up for a copy), I realized that she'd sent a bunch of free mp3s that were cool for sharing. So, instead of babbling on, I give you a Merge mini-sampler. I haven't heard all of the songs yet myself, so these are not necessarily recommendations. But hey, at these prices, what do any of us have to lose?

Download “Take It In” from “The Knot,” by Wye Oak.

Grab "Coast of Carolina" from Telekinesis! (I do like them)

From "Goodnight Unknown" by Lou Barlow, here’s "Gravitate."

Enjoy a download of "We are the Men You’ll Grow to Love Soon" from “In the Court of the Wrestling Let’s.” Singer Wesley Patrick Gonzalez describes this song as “Let’s Wrestle’s Barmitzvah from whence they turned from punk pre-teens into men who rock.”

Shout Out Louds’ new CD is called "Work" and due out digitally on February 2. The free MP3 I can share: "Walls.”

From the Radar Brothers’ "The Illustrated Garden", here’s "Horses Warriors.”

An album called "Mister Pop" contains The Clean’s “gorgeously hazy sunset anthem” called “In the Dreamlife You Need a Rubber Soul.” and an “Autobahn-referential instrumental moment” called ”Tensile."

And here’s a whole CD’s worth of songs from various artists doing material in the “old lonesome sound.". I think I posted this last year when it was first made available, but it popped up when I was sorting the mail and it's still there to grab, so why not?

And finally, though this blog has no illusions of being a force for world change, think of/pray for/donate to the people of Haiti if you can, and send good karma their way. And remember that, whatever crap we may go through day-to-day, we're damn lucky to sit here playing on our computers and listening to music.

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