Thursday, September 09, 2010

The Bigger Lights and I get our hair done.

I will write a real post soon (you've heard that before!) but I think I just discovered that a mere click will send material from my site to here.
In which case, you can amuse yourself with this:
The Bigger Lights are coming back to town.

Funny thing is, the reason I was revisiting the article is that I met three members of this band last night, in unusual circumstances.
Because I've been writing for Citysearch DC, I was invited to a party/makeover event (Me Get Pretty One Day) at the Sassoon Salon in Tysons. After all the girly fun, as we were getting ready to leave and the place is way past closing time, in walk three tattooed rock dudes [note: I'm told only one band member actually has tattoos, but he has enough for all of them ]- Christopher "Topher" Talley (singer) Chris McPeters (guitarist) [tattooed guy!] and Ryan Seaman (drummer) - from The Bigger Lights.

Though the band is originally from Northern Virginia, it turns out that Chris is now living in Kentucky Louisiana and makes a point of coming to the salon whenever he's in town to get his hair cut by his favorite stylist. I've heard of secret club gigs before, but not afterhours haircut gigs! I chatted with the guys for a while, told them I'd seen/photographed/written about them and said I'd send a copy of the story.

And that's what sent me to the DC Concert Photography Archives this morning.
Anyhoo, the band is playing this Saturday (September 11) at the 9:30 Club with local heroes Honor By August and a fine NYC-based duo called The Kin. I think I'll be there.


Anonymous said...

The guitarist Chris is the only one with any tattoos, and he now and always has lived in Louisiana.

Marianne said...

I will take Anonymous at his/her word, and stand corrected.