Sunday, April 06, 2008

And the WInners are...

Last night, while we drove home from the honeyhoney/Matt Nathanson show (more to come soon), we conducted our highly scientific selection of winners for the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" DVDs.
High School Girl wrote down the names of everyone who sent in a Chipmunk Memory, each on a separate high-quality post-it. She meticulously folded each one and scientifically dumped the bunch in her lap. Then, in a studiously random manner, she tossed away all but these three winners:
atrischitta (an intriguing name!)
John Weber
and let's not forget Sally, who won by getting her comment in first.

The winners are now officially invited to get their squeak on by sending me a mailing address. (just post in the comments; I won't publish them)

Congratulations to y'all (as we say here in ole Virginny) and thanks (and condolences) to everyone who didn't achieve the thrill of victory. Blame HSG.

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