I took my time getting there and thus saw only a few songs from opener Lights Resolve, a trio from New York that plays tight (great drummer), high energy rock with a touch of Police-like harmonies and do-do-do type singalong moments, and worked a good shot of The Clash's "Lost in the Supermarket" into one track. Lead singer Matthew Reich rocks some heavy eye shadow and knows how to engage a crowd, but I could have done without the song that was heavy on the "melon farmer" (as my daughter told me is the polite way to replace an expletive that has the same syllables and initial letters).
The band was selling its three-track EP for a buck so, of course, I picked one up.
LIGHTS RESOLVE - S/T (self-released)
It was a small crowd - probably just 30 people in the entire club, including staff - and I felt bad for We Shot the Moon, a band based out of San Diego that is now on a long tour for a newly released CD. They previewed the CD online with some free downloads; I wrote that up for the Examiner column. Recommended for fans of melodic, piano-driven pop/rock in the Jack's Mannequin/Ben Folds (sans sarcasm) mode, click the link and grab 'em now.
Perhaps discouraged by the small turnout, WSTM did a pretty short set, about eight songs. They put their all into it (I actually thought the drummer might overwhelm Jones' vocals) and made "happy to be here" comments, but I felt bad for them and wanted to show my support. So I hit the merch table and bought the new CD. It was only $10 and the nice merch table girl loaded me up with a handful of stickers and one of each of the band's three posters.
WE SHOT The MOON - A Silver Lining (Afternoon Records)
I also chatted briefly with Jones, who didn't sound all that discouraged after all; he's hoping to come back around in the new year after the album gets out and about.
My camera's in the shop and I couldn't find one to borrow as I was headed out the door so, in the interest of adding some visuals, here's my favorite of the three posters:

In grabbing that from the band's site, I just noticed that the digital release date for the album is listed as next week (October 13) and physical date is November 17, which contradicts what my examiner article said. So I'd better get back in touch with the PR guy who gave me that info and see what's what.
Tomorrow, new Post previews go up. And some breaking, not-so-good news. But why spoil the fun now? Good night/morning!
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