By Request.
I read the press releases that publicists send, and damn, if they don’t make just about everything sound good. I try to ask for only those albums that I think I may like or will get to cover sometime in the future (really) and here’s a few I asked to hear. For the most part, good stuff, too.
1. The HEDRONS – One More Won’t Kill Us (Measured)
I love when chicks rock. And the drummer goes by the name Soup!
2. XAVIER RUDD – White Moth
His first album left a good impression; I need to make time for this one.
3. The WEAKERTHANS – Reunion Tour (Anti-)
4. JOE HENRY – Civilians (Anti-)
Ever reliable, as a performer and as the Go-To Producer for artists who need creative rediscovery.
5. EILEEN IVERS – An Nollaig (Compass Records)
A gentle, but not sleep-inducing holiday album with a Celtic (obviously) slant.
6. THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS – The Else (Idlewild/Zoe/Universal)
Back in the Brooklyn days, the two Johns came to my birthday party, though they didn’t really know me. I still have the party hat they made me. Great guys, fun times.
7. NICK LOWE – Jesus of Cool (Yep Roc)
Deluxe reissue of the Britpop/new wave icon’s U.K. debut, which had its name, track list and sequencing changed for U.S. release. 2007 was a great year for Nick and his fans (like me) – “At My Age” was a fine release, and his Birchmere show in September was a thrill for those of us who got to see him and especially for the lucky few like myself who chatted with him afterwards. I will spare you the shot of me and him, but here’s a stage shot…
Next Saturday, Jan. 5th, the Wolf Trap Barns hosts a tribute to Mr. Lowe with a huge roster of local talent. I was gonna preview the show, but it sold out the day I was set to file the story, so the editor had me switch to another event. Anyhoo, the CD, with all the original material, plus added info and bonus tracks, comes out February 19th.
8. SEBASTIAN BACH – Angel Down (Get Off My Bach)
I’m not usually prone to hard rock, but I’ve had a soft spot for Bach since he started guesting on “Gilmore Girls.” I figure if the creator of that once-superb (until she left) mom-and-daughter dramedy could forgive him for wearing the anti-gay T-shirt that got him in trouble back in the Skid Row days, so can I.
Things that came unannounced:
9. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN – Original Broadway Cast (Decca)
There aren’t many unsolicited puffy envelope surprises that make me say “oh yea!” but this is one of them, as I can quote from the great Mel Brooks comedy at length. College Girl saw and liked the Broadway show (scuttlebutt says the B’way community is not entirely thrilled with the way Brooks and Co. conduct bizniz, but I can say no more) but was more into the performers than the music. Given that one song’s chorus consists almost entirely of the word “tits,” no one will be mistaking this for the latest Sondheim.
10.JANN KLOSE – Reverie (self-released)
11. ROB JUNGKLAS – Gully (Mad Jack Records)
Advances for the New Year:
12. The AUDITION – Champion (Victory)
Out January 22nd.
13. ADAMA – Delicate Dragon (4Dpeople)
Out February 19th.
14. MATT KING – Rube (Montage Music Group)
Out February 5th.
15. The BILLIONAIRES – Really Real For Ever (Too Soon)
Out March 4th.
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