Whenever you can see this, it's a bunch of random hits:
Breaking News Department
Sorry to hear that the Decemberists have cancelled their DC shows later this month.
"With much regret The Decemberists have cancelled the remainder of "The
Long and Short of It" tour.
One of our band members has been ill for a while but we thought all
would be well in time for these tour dates. After a couple shows,
though, it has become clear that the illness is much worse than we had
initially realized. We need to return home so our friend can mend.
It saddens us to disappoint our fans. We hope everybody understands it
is only because of an extreme situation that we had to cancel a tour
we've all been excited about doing since the idea was originally
Of course, the main concern here is that the band member, whoever he/she is, gets well soon. This a act, one whose music I return to again and again and I'm looking forward to seeing them play again soon.
In other concert news, since we're playing newshound this time, hometown heroes Army of Me have a headlining date coming up in January at the 930 Club. I don't think the club has announced it yet, but I ran into the band's sweet lead singer, Vince Scheueman, at Jammin Java when he was hanging out with his new friends, Australian duo The Kin, and local singer Chelsea Lee. Army of Me had played a "festival" (Vince joked there were about 3 people in the crowd) to celebrate the opening of an...apartment complex, I think he said!? And the female teenage singer, a regular at J2, was a new Kin-dred soul who appeared onstage with the group to sing one of their songs. In Billboard magazine, shmooze photography fashion, here's (L to R) The Kin's Isaac Koren with Chelsea and Vince, doing the backstage hang:
Coincientally, The Kin were (was?) recently on tour with Pat McGee and Josh Kelley for 3 weeks, and that touring twosome was previewed in my latest
Post piece.
The other new preview is soul survivor Bettye LaVette, whom I would have loved to have seen (what tense is that?!) but for the fact that she played on Halloween night, which is a revered holiday in our house.
Anyway, back to The Kin, a very impressive new act, comprised of brothers Isaac and Thorry Koren. The former sings and plays keyboards and didgeridoo and looks like a young rocking Aaron Eckharrt...
while the latter sings and plays guitar and hides his good looks under his hat...
The pair's new CD (see the O/CD tally, below) came out the same day as the J2 show. Inviting comparisons to a more muscular Coldplay or a folkier U2, the brothers' press shots and photo-free album graphics play down the handsome. And it's only live that you get the warm and gently humorous aspect of their talents. You also miss out on touring drummer "Shakerleg"
who plays without sticks, but doesn't let that stop him from pounding away. Even with his fingers taped like a fighter's, that's gotta hurt!
Moving on to New Acquisitions:
1. The KIN - Rise and Fall (Aletheia)
2. BETTYE LAVETTE - The Scene of the Crime (ANTI-)
3. LEVON HELM - Dirt Farmer (Vanguard)
How nice to hear this distinctive voice again, especially when it had been literally silenced by illness and feared gone for good. Helm's a class act and a genuine icon from his days with The Band (look it up, kids!) and on first listen, I felt as if I were reconnecting with an old friend. Welcome back!
4. CATHY PONTON KING - Undertow (Long Gone)
Longtime local musician playing Bonnie Raitt-like rocking electric blues. Next week's Post preview, playing the Meadowark Botancial Gardens Atrium in Vienna on Saurday, the 10th. Sounds like a gorgeous place to see a show, and she's an area stalwart with a graceful touch and talented friends.
5. The STAPLE SINGERS - The 25th Day of December (Riverside)
Not just a potenial source of gold for the annual Cool Yule compilation, but one of those rare holiday CDs that you can put on all by itself and enjoy from first track to last. An early gift from the Conqueroo crew.
6. WEEN - La Cucaracha (Chocodog/Rounder)
Much as I love music with a sense of humor, me and the Ween-ers have had our artistic differences in the past. I find some of their humor juvenile in that annoying, but prevalent, frat-boys-with-guitars way. But there have been positive reviews from respected voices on this new one, so I'm curious to try it out. After all, if the Beastie Boys can grow up...
7. CHUCK PROPHET - Soap and Water (Yep Roc)
Another CD getting excellent advance buzz, and I don't fear the Prophet motive (sorry, couldn't resist). Coming to IOTA later thus month.
8. STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO - Somewhere In the Between (Victory Records)
Gracie really likes one of this band's previous albums and doesn't care for another. Something about a major personnel change taking place. And I don't know whether the pro or con team is in charge here. In stores 11.13
9. SONS OF WILLIAM - What Hides Inside (Red Lick)
Opened one of the aforementioned Pat McGee Band/Josh Kelley dates at the Birchmere.
10. HERBIE HANCOCK - River:The Joni Letters (Verve)
Between this and the excellent various artists Tribute to...CD, Joni Mitchell's star is on the ascent again. And my house hardly gets through a week without revisiting one of her classics, like Blue or Court and Spark. And yet, as much as we've enjoyed these homages, I can't get around to buying the new CD by Joni herself. It, and she, sound too strident in the press I've read so far. There's just so much cash on hand, and I spent it on things like...
11. BARENAKED LADIES - Extended Versions (Sony/BMG)
No, not disco mixes, but a live set of 10 songs, which I am suspicious about. It's a generic release that smacks of repackaging. Didn't they already do a live album? But I don't have that if there is one, and this was only $5 at Target.
YTD O/CD Total:771
and that's without the CMJ SWag Tally, soon to come!
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