Saturday, November 26, 2005

Who's a Turkey?

Maybe I am. As November draws to a close, and year-end Best-Of's beckon, I can see the dawn of Blog Year Two and I'm thinking of how to proceed differently. Expect changes in January. But for now, I'm gonna play this game out to the end as it was set up in the beginning of Blog Year One by continuing the list of CDs coming into the manse. Besides, I may be the only one, but I want to see that CD-ometer spin past the 1000 mark.

First, we'll pick up with some real stuff from the past that I never got around to acknowledging.

Things that I bought with my own money, and I'm glad I did:
1. SHOUT OUT LOUDS - Howl Howl Gaff Gaff (Capitol)
2. KAISER CHIEFS - Employment (Universal)
3. BOB DYLAN - No Direction Home: The Soundtrack (Columbia/Legacy)
4. MOJO - Dylan Covered - with magazine
5. UNCUT - Highway 61 Revisited Revisited - with magazine
6. UNCUT - Michael Stipe Presents
7. Q Magazine - Here Comes the Sun: The Ultimate Summer Playlist
8. SIGUR ROS - Tak (Geffen)
Saw this band (for the second time) on 9-11 of this year, at the gorgeous new Strathmore Hall. Can't think of a better way to spend that sad anniversary. I loved the often quiet, sometimes discordant musings and meditative video, even if this show didn't have the sense of discovery of the first time. The opening act - a group of willowy women playing off-kilter music on toy and experimental instruments - had it, which reminds me I need to look up their name and CD availability.

Things that I bought with my own money, and then discovered I already owned. Yes, it happens, especially when I see good things in the clearance bin when I'm away from home and just want to have good music.
9. The ROLLING STONES - Rewind (Rolling Stones)
10. XTC - Apple Venus (TVT)

A bunch of stuff that came in as promotional material and isn't rocking my socks:
11.FREDDY STEADY 5 - Freddy Steady Go
12. COLD - A Different Kind of Pain (Lava)
Official copy of an album previously sent as an advance.
13. MARY MARY - Self-titled (Sony Urban)
14. CARLY SIMON - Monnlight Seranade (Columbia)
Another boomer idol jumps on the standards bandwagon and almost gets crushed under the wheels. Terrible versions of great songs. She can try, but she can't ruin "Where Or When" - though she comes close.
15. The MATTOID - Eternifinity

A bunch of stuff that came in as promotional material and I haven't had a chance to develop an informed opinion:
16. DAR WILLIAMS - My Better Self (Razor & Tie)
17. The TAH-DAHS - Le Fun (Undeniable Records)
18. AVETT BROTHERS - Mignonette (Ramseur Records)
19. CINDY BULLENS - Dream #29 (Blue Lobster)
20. CAKE - Pressure Chief (Columbia)
21. DIRTY ON PURPOSE - Sleep Late for a Better Tomorrow (North Street Records)
22. ROOFTOP SUICIDE CLUB - Always Like This (Stop, Pop and Roll)
23. CHARLIE SEXTON - Cruel and Gentle Things (Back Porch Records)

YTD Total: 841

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