OK, so we’ve been listening to the new album and tonight the hubby and I had a TiVO replay of the last three nights’ live performances - plus the wonderful Top Ten list (was Edge’s Sting ad-lib his own idea? bravo!) We’re feeling good about it. But then, Terry is a total fan-boy, and when he’s a fan, it’s hard for his heroes to lose their luster. Me? I’m a little tougher. I lost touch with Springsteen during the Tom Joad era, lost patience with R.E.M. for “Around the Sun” (it actually annoys me when Terry plays it) and wasn’t keen on the Costello/Bacharach collaboration (although it did feature some of Elvis’ most compelling vocals).
So, while I’m still not sold on the idea that we need FIVE DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the new album, I’m pleased to see that amazon.com is offering the mp3 download of the full album for $3.99. That’s a hopeful sign that money isn’t everything. And as I type this, the sit-down interview is rolling along merrily and they’re showing that Irish charm. Oh, and they're playing one of my favorites, "Beautiful Day," so it isn't only about playing the new tunes. Yet, I do want to hear "Boots" tomorrow night, so the album must be taking hold...
In other music news, Terry and I had a great time at the Bird and the Bee show last night at the Barns at Wolf Trap. There was a glitch at the beginning - the label PR guy said he would put me down for tickets, but it didn't appear that he did. (Rule One: always print out the email that confirms you have been approved for press tickets). Luckily the kindly box office staff was nice enough to take my word on the matter (I dropped the name of the guy who does venue PR who knows me pretty well) and they let us in without making me feel foolish. I've had other times when tickets weren't where they were supposed to be and there was no such happy ending.
And I do love me the Bird and the Bee!
Opening act, Obi Best, was a pleasant diversion but the two-woman set-up didn’t allow much diversity in the sound. The opening song of both the album and the show -“Nothing Can Come Between Us” - is also my personal favorite on the disc, but had an inexplicable distortion guitar break live. I love to watch women play guitar, but this came from nowhere for no apparent reason and, alas, I can’t say that the guitarist was the most confident player. Singer Alex Lilly has a good voice and a gracious manner, but the songs tended to plow the same ground over and over.
And then Inara George came bouncing out in her go-go outfit - white micro-mini and tights with a plastic overdress of brightly colored dots - and the evening was totally in her capable hands. The Obi Best ladies came back out, plus another back-up singer, in color-coordinated outfits and added vocals and the occasional extra instruments to round out the very cool keyboard/synth work of Greg Kurstin. The total effect, with just enough choreography to show they’d thought it over, but not so much to make things feel controlled, was poptastic. And “Love Letter to Japan” is still one of the best new songs of the new year!
Today’s PEP (Puffy Envelope Promo) Squad:
DENGUE FEVER - Sleepwalking Through the Mekong (Nail Distribution)A 2-disc set - one being a DVD of the film, a documentary about the band's visit to the Cambodian homeland, the other being its soundtrack.
The band is coming to town, playing at the State Theatre on Friday, April 17th.
CLEM SNIDE - Hungry Bird (429 Records)Next week’s Live! preview, along with wonderful musician (and pal) Chris Otepka, of the late, beloved Troubled Hubble, who’s touring in his Heliogats mode.
Here’s a little inside twist - when Clem Snide’s publicist sent a high-res jpg to run with my story, it was a highly colorized photo of three guys. The CD arrived with a color photocopy of the same picture, not as colorized and featuring
four guys. Has one of the band members already dropped out?! (By the credits, Pete Fitzpatrick is M.I.A.)
ROCCO DELUCA and the BURDEN - Mercy (Ironworks) A duplicate; here's the full commercial version following up a generic advance from weeks back. Coming to the State Theatre on Monday, April 6th.
CIRCUIT CITY, R.I.P. (My Own Cash Money)
Another one bites the dust. I certainly won’t mourn Circuit City’s loss the way I did Tower Records. CC had a music department, just not a very good one. But browsing the racks is still browsing the racks, so losing yet another retail outlet makes for a sad sigh.
I actually went into the Sterling store a few days ago looking for a cheap external hard drive and only remembered the music “department” as an afterthought. The pickings were slim - do I want Duran Duran’s “Red Carpet Massacre” even at 70% off? (No.) And why are there so many copies of Janet Jackson’s last CD?
But I came home with three discs:
U2 - The Best of 1990-2000 (Interscope DVD) Got one already, but this was a freebie sampler (okay, it cost 1 cent) and may come in handy.
SPOTTED - Various ArtistsAnother one penny sampler but since I can’t find it now, I can’t tell you who’s on it.
COLD WAR KIDS - Loyalty to Loyalty (Downtown)I liked the first album and we’ve got tickets to see them opening for Death Cab (Ra Ra Riot is on the bill, too!) so this was a no-brainer, considering it was less than $4.
And speaking of Death Cab...when I heard about a presale for the April 8th show at D.A.R. Hall, I jumped online to see what I could do. It was one of those deals where only members of the fan club would get the presale code, so I took the plunge. It was $30 (cheaper than scalping tickets later) and last week, I got the goodie package with a nice T-shirt, sticker, fake concert access pass/membership card and
DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE - I’m Going Home/Girl You Want (self-released)7" vinyl. I won’t know what the one song is ‘til I crank up the turntable, but the flip is a Devo cover, which is cool. BUT, the fan club site said this would be color vinyl, and the color is black. Bummer. Still, we got pretty good seats - orchestra floor, less than half-way back.
Hit another Circuit City Thursday and there was a slightly better selection to pick through. And now they were 80% off!
BRIAN WILSON - That Lucky Old Sun (Capitol) ($13.99 = $2.80) Don’t know a thing about it, but even if I hate it, I can trade it in later...
WHO’S GONNA FILL THEIR SHOES? - Various Artists (Twin Pack Music) Begins (the title track) and ends (“He Stopped Loving Her Today”) with George Jones, and in-between, there are many tracks I like and have (I think), like “Folsom Prison Blues,” “Take This Job and Shove It” and a few more I think I need (“D-I-V-O-R-C-E” and “Mama Tried”). ($9.99 = $2.00) Like stealing from iTunes!
SIA - Some People Have Real Problems (Monkey Puzzle/Hear Music)Okay, so this was a stretch, since I bought the mp3s from emusic ages ago. But I came thisclose to buying it at that previous Circuit City; held back by the fact that the package was damaged. And this one is all about the packaging. I hate the cover - Sia drawing on her own face with markers makes her look like she should be riding the special bus, but when you open up the slip case, there’s a set of nine crayon-colored cards with art and info, that makes for a pretty cool thingy. ($13.99 = $2.8). Again,I can always get almost full value back for it at the trade-in store if/when the package loses its appeal.
And I did put back the copy of Beck’s Odeley that I was sorely tempted to buy as a duplicate just for the free album cover iron-on. See? I can be reasonable!
MARY J. BLIGE - & Friends (Geffen) Blige is one of those artists whom I don’t really know but, whenever she shows up on some tribute show or TV special, I’m thoroughly impressed with her style and voice. The other CC store had dozens of this CD, so I held off, thinking I’d return as the prices dropped again (or forget, which almost happened) and sure enough, this store had a small handful. So I saved $1.00 when the price dropped another 10% ($9.99 = $2.00)
YTD O/CD Tally: 76 Since this is a very price-conscious posting, here's a money-making tip: if you have a copy of the 2000 soundtrack of “What Women Want” on cassette, check out amazon. The asking price for the one that’s available is $295.99. WTF?